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Preventing Dry Eyes

Dry eye syndrome can be an uncomfortable and irritating condition. Irregularities in your tear film can be due to a number of reasons. These include aging, contact lens wear, or hormonal changes in women. Air pollution, air conditioning, the smoke, wind, as well as cold, dry air can also trigger dry eye symptoms. Even certain diseases and medication can cause this common eye problem. Are you among the millions of people in the United States who struggle with bloodshot eyes, excess tears, and grittiness in the eyes? Here are some tips to help you prevent dry eyes:


  • Use Eye Protection in Windy Areas. If you often go outdoors and stay in windy areas, keep the wind from blowing directly into your eyes by wearing a pair of wraparound sunglasses. At home, try to avoid exposing your eyes to fans and hair dryers, too, as these can also dry them out.


  • Avoid Cigarette Smoke. Tobacco smoke is a common eye irritant that can worsen dry eyes, even for those who are merely around smokers. The discomfort is especially true for those who wear contact lenses. Besides, studies show that smokers are almost twice as likely to suffer from dry eye disease.


  • Blink and Take Regular Breaks. Blinking spreads tears across the eye’s surface, lubricating it. Any activities that keep you from blinking as usual, such as working on a computer or playing video games for hours on end, can cause dry eye symptoms. As much as possible, take a break every 10 or 20 minutes to allow your eyes to rest and blink more. This should help in regaining the moisture your eyes have lost.


  • Take Omega-3 Fatty Acid Supplements. The glands in your eyelids play a considerable role in producing fatty oils to lubricate your eyes. Without adequate production of these oils, your tear film becomes thinner, causing dryness and irritation to your eyes. Studies show that omega-3s aid in the secretion of fatty oils onto the surfaces of your eyes. For this reason, a lot of people supplement their diet with this nutrient, which you can also find naturally in oily fish and flax seeds.


  • Pay Attention to Your Environment. Where you live may also contribute to your risk of developing dry eye syndrome. Research suggests that residents in major cities with high air pollution levels seem to be more susceptible to dry eye than those who live in areas with less air pollution. The same research also discovered that people who live in places with higher altitudes where the air is usually drier are also at a higher risk of developing dry eyes than those who live in lower-altitude zip codes. That’s why eye doctors recommend that people who live in arid climates or smoggy areas take some precautionary steps. These include investing in a high-quality air filter for their homes in cities with high air pollution levels. Experts recommend using a humidifier to add moisture to dry air for people who live in dry climates.


Whether you need treatment to relieve dry eye symptoms or merely looking for more tips to prevent the condition, our team of experts in the International Opticians can help you. Call our office today in Miami, Florida, at 786-460-1081 to schedule an appointment.

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